Friday, March 22, 2013

A Serendipitous Lunch

So I was invited to go to a lunch with representatives from SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) because LaGrange College is going through their accreditation process (which every school goes through every few of years to make sure they retain their accreditation). LaGrange College is implementing a new QEP (Quality Enhancement Program) focused on Global Engagement, which I'm really excited about. The college is putting a lot of time and effort to get it's students more engaged in things happening around the world. Something that I've always loved about LaGrange College is that they offer a Study Abroad Program during the month of January (during our Jan Term). I took advantage of this twice: my Freshman year I went to Paris for two weeks and then my Senior year I went to Greece for two weeks. They were both fantastic experiences! However, the college is now offering a voucher program that all students receive their Junior or Senior year (if they began at the college as a Freshman) which will cover $2,500 of the Study Abroad trip! I wish they had that when I was there! Those trips were pretty expensive, they range from around $1,000 for domestic trips, to $4,000 for international trips... but they are worth it. They are also about to start implementing study abroads that last for an entire semester or more which is really exciting. They are increasing the amount of time spent in classes here that focuses on global matters and we have a new program called 3-D Journeys (whose primary audience is the community around LaGrange College but is open to students as well) where professors at the college lecture about different aspects of a certain country and a group of people end up going to that country after all of the lectures are over. Brazil is the focus of this year's 3-D Journeys and it has had quite a turn out! So basically it's all very exciting and really resonates with me since I'm planning on going to Peru!

So the most exciting part of this story is that I sat next to Ana Maria Wiseman from Wofford College. She's the Dean of International Programs there. When she told us about her background, she mentioned that she grew up in Latin America so later during the lunch when the conversation had lulled I asked her where she grew up in Latin America. She was born in Argentina and grew up in PERU! I'm pretty sure my entire face flushed with excitment when she said that! So I told her my interest to move to and teach in Peru and we started talking about Peru and some of her experiences there. She even mentioned that she has sent 2 students from Wofford College to Lima to study abroad and is sending a third soon. She gave me her business card and told me that I can contact her with any questions that I might have about Peru! I just couldn't believe my good fortune!

By the way, we got a fantastic review from the SACS representatives! We impressed them so much that we are now their QEP model school.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mate de Coca

Mate de Coca is a tea that many locals claim help with altitude sickness (but it hasn't really been proven) and it is used pretty often to do just that. What makes this drink interesting is that the leaves that are used to make the tea can also be used to make cocaine. Now, this drink is not the same as cocaine. Cocaine has about 20 and 30 miligrams of the alkaloid that is found in these leaves whereas the tea has about 4 miligrams. So it's not going to get you high but it can be a stimulant (like caffeine found in soda). However it is illegal in the United States unless it is decocainized (just like you can decaffinate a soda!).

Friday, March 8, 2013


I mentioned in my post about Machu Picchu that you have to be aware of the altitude while in Cusco. I figured I would talk a little about this because it's something that you don't really think about. LaGrange, Georgia has an elevation of 238 m or 781 ft above sea level. While Cusco's elevation is 3,400 m or 11,200 ft above sea level. That's a huge difference! Everywhere you look there are warnings about when you get to Cusco it will take you some time to adjust. The air is thinner and that can really mess with your body. The usual symptoms include headaches and shortness of breath sometimes even nausea. It takes a few days to get acclimatized so it's suggested that you take it slow the first few days in the city. It is also suggested that you stay hydrated and avoid heavy meals. Some hotels even have ocygen tanks that guests can use for awhile for assisted breathing! There is medicine that you can take that may relieve some of the symptoms but if the symptoms persist you might have to leave the city for one with a lower elevation. One other thing that can be done (that the locals use) is drink mate de coca which helps you adjust to the thin air. I'll talk more about this drink later.

I kind of had to make this picture really big so that you could read it... sorry it looks awkward.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city that were found up in the Andes mountains near Cusco. The city is in pretty good shape because when the Spanish conquered the Incans, they never found this abandoned city. In 1911, Hiram Bingham discovered the city and since then it has become a major tourist attraction. It has gotten so bad that they have placed a limit on how many people can visit the ruins (2,500 per day).

There are two main ways to get to Machu Picchu. You can take a train from Cusco or Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes. Then you can take a 30 min bus ride up there or you can walk 8km.

Or you can take the Incan Trail. There is a 2 day and a 4 day trail and you must go with a touring agency. There is a 500 person limit for the Incan Trail. It looks like, the current cost for the 4 day hike (45 km) is around $400 and the entrance to Machu Picchu is about $90. There are other less popular trails that can get you to Machu Picchu as well.

I have wanted to go to Machu Picchu ever since I heard that it existed! It won't be one of the first things that I do because you have to be very careful with the altitude when you get to Cusco but I'm really looking forward to it! I want to hike the Incan Trail but I'm also nervous about that. I'm not much of a hiker so I don't know if I can really handle several days of hiking and then sleeping in tents. But I'm going to try and I'm trying to start hiking more often now to get used to it.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Llama vs. Alpaca

So when you google images of Peru you will find at least one picture with a llama... or is it an alpaca? (Even one of my Peru Travel Books has one of these creatures on the cover.) I've seen both of these terms used and both animals look very similar if you don't know what you're looking at.

So one day while I was hard at work (i.e. on pinterest) I came across this helpful chart that actually explained the difference between llamas and alpacas. Since it seemed relevant (and funny) I decided to share it one my blog so that everyone will once and for all know the difference between these guys!

The quote to go along with the chart: "And to put it simply: Alpacas are pleasant looking and Llamas look like they’re constantly judging you."


By the way, I'm going to try to write a post a week about something I think is interesting about Peru or about something I'm working on to get to Peru. They will probably show up on Friday or Monday each week (unless I forget, which is definitely a possibility).

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Pisco Sour

I've been reading up on Peru and I've come across several interesting things that I want to share.The first is Peru's national drink: the Pisco Sour. I've never tried one before but it will definitely be the first drink I have while in the country!

Pisco is a grape brandy and when combined with lime juice, simple syrup/sugar, egg whites, and Angostura bitters, it becomes a Pisco Sour.

Of course there are a lot of variations on the drink so the list above might not always hold true but I think those are the basic ingredients.
Chile also claims the Pisco Sour as their national drink and who am I to argue? Maybe I'll have some time to swing by Chile and sample their Pisco Sour and compare them.
I pulled this Pisco Sour recipe from my copy of Frommer's Peru:
2 oz. pisco
1 oz. lime juice
1/4 oz. simple syrup
1/2 egg white
1 dash Angostura bitters
Shake with ice and strain into glass; garnish with bitter on the creamy top.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Study and Classes

Ok, so class and my study have officially begun! Yesterday was the first day of my study and it went pretty well. We didn't finish everything that I wanted to but I don't think it's a big deal. I know before I began that I would have a lot of stuff to do every day and that I probably wouldn't get to everything. The very first thing that I did yesterday in the class though was upset the connection between the laptop and the promethean board... I toggled the wrong cord apparently. Awesome. It worked out though because I didn't really need the promethean board until later and Mrs. Austin  worked on fixing it while I went on with my lesson. I had been worried that first day that the hadnouts had been too hard because they took a long time finishing them  but today, they got them done quicker and they were much better too! So that's good. Today though, we still didn't get to everything. These first two days are supposed to be model days so I'm not so worried about the stuff we didn't get to but tomrorrow is when we're really starting the literature circles so I really hope to finish everything tomorrow! My first class for this semester was last night and it wasn't so bad. It was mostly talking about the section of the thesis that we did over January. Apparently they weren't that great... Also, today I'm working at Mighty Joes Pizza. Usually I just work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings but now I think I've added Tuesday evenings to the mix. I also think that I am now working Saturday morning instead of at night. I feel like I never have any free moments! Tomorrow night is the first day of my other class which is Reading in the Content Areas but I think it's going to have data information (statistics) as well as child/classroom diversity stuff thrown in too. I hope that I like this class. I love learning about reading so it's looking good. It all depends on how much we talk about statistics... I hate statistics. Last night me and Matt went to Jin Express. We hadn't been there in ages because we're trying not to eat out so that we can save money. It was SO GOOD. I want some more just thinking about it. I'm going to try and steal a picture from Emma's facebook of her Jin Express meal. She was the one who got me to go.

Doesn't that look amazing? She posted that picture last night and I just decided right then and there that we had to go. I'm going to miss this place so much when I leave LaGrange.

Something else that kept me busy was this past weekend! I had a wedding to go to. (Every year, my mom has a Shorter Christmas party. My mom went to Shorter College and so her friends and their spouses and children meet up every year to have this party. The wedding was for the daughter of one of my mom's Shorter friends.) I worked at Mighty Joe's Saturday afternoon (9:30-2:30) and then we left directly after that to go to the wedding in Commerce. The wedding was at 5 and it was a 2h and 23 min drive according to MapQuest. We made it about 5 minutes before the wedding started. It was a nice wedding and reception. There were a lot of people there though! I honestly don't think I know that many people. I would have to invite all of my professors and teachers plus all of my acquaintances to my wedding to fill up all those seats! They had some yummy appetizers that were served and a good dinner. They even had a "late night snack" which was a whole bunch of Chickfila nuggets! They also had some good red wine. I had a good time but I was really tired. Working at Mighty Joe's really wears me out. I hadn't really noticed because I usually get off at 10:30 and just go straight to bed. It was hard to get through the rest of the day after working there. Then on Sunday, since we stayed in Lawrenceville after the wedding, we went out to lunch with my mom because it had been her birthday on Feb. 1st! So we went out to celebrate that since I had stay in LaGrange that night. Her and my dad had gone to Macaroni Grill to celebrate on her actual birthday. We had considered rushing back down to LaGrange to make t to the college's play "A Night with Tennessee Williams" (it was the last show) but both of us were tired of rushing around everywhere so we relaxed and then headed back down to LaGrange around 2 and then Matt watched the Superbowl while I finished getting ready for my study. I keep looking at that Jin picture and I want it again so bad.... I'm so hungry right now!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Valentine's Day Cakes!

I'm selling Handmade Valentine's Day Cakes to help me raise some money for Peru! If you're in the LaGrange area, let me know if you want one! You can get One Layer: $22 or Two Layers: $25. Flavors include Vanilla, Chocolate, or Red Velvet (with Pecans: $2). Plus you can choose heart-shaped or round. Kathy Pirrman from LaGrange College is making them (I'm helping) and has offered to give me all of the proceeds except what she needs to cover ingredients! So email me or comment on this blog if you want one!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jury Duty and Hiking

About a year ago, I got called in for jury duty. I deferred it because I was in college and couldn't miss class... I didn't realize it but I deferred it to the first week of my student teaching... which I couldn't miss either. They didn't call me in which I was thankful for and that was the end of it. However, I just got pulled for jury duty AGAIN. I thought that random meant that I wouldn't have to worry about it for a long time because there is a lot of people living in Georgia... so much for that theory. I (once again) have to defer it because I'm in the middle of my Masters. We'll see if I can get that settled... I think I'll do it in August. I'll be done with my Masters by then so it should work out. (update: got it postponed until May...apparently you can only postpone it for up to 90 days).

Last weekend was a long one because Monday was MLK Day! Saturday and Sunday were very lazy days. Me and Matt were going to go on a hike on Sunday but he HAD to watch the Falcons game (we lost-boo!). So we went hiking on Monday. We didn't get out the door until around 11 (we were aiming for 9-fail.) So we started hiking around 12. I had been pushing to go hiking, not because I particularly enjoy it, but because I want to be able to hike the Incan Trail in Peru. I'm actually a pretty poor hiker. I'm much better at horizontal things. Even my sport of choice, swimming, is horizontal. Since there isn't much around LaGrange for hiking we decided to go to Franklin D. Roosevelt Park in Pine Mountain.

So Sunday night, we had decided that we were going to hike the 4 mile trail, called Dowdell Knob Loop. However, when we got there we some how decided that we were going to do the Longleaf Loop which was 7 miles! For trail descriptions: So we got going. Matt has 2 CamelBaks so we both got one. They're pretty interesting.... I felt a little over prepared but they were nice. I actually ended up drinking all of my water! The hike was nice but I got pretty tired. The best thing for me though is to keep moving. Once I stop, it's hard for me to get going again. We finished the trail at 3pm and went to a bakery in town that has really good French bread. We got two loafs and then Matt went to Kroger to get some ham and cheese. I had stayed in the car while he went into Kroger and I fell asleep in the car. I was exhausted. And sore. We ate nearly all the food and then we went to bed early. Unfortunatly, the next day was Tuesday, so not only did I have work but it was swimming day! So we got up really early to go swim. It took me so long to get out of bed that morning that we only had 20 minutes to swim. That whole day I was so tired. I went straight home when I got off work and took a 2 hour nap. Then went to bed at 9pm. I got a long way to go before I'm even close to being able to hike the Incan Trail! But I knew that, which is way I want to get started now since I have a whole year to prepare! But I'm nervous about hiking again... that was tough!

Just a quick update on my study, I nearly have everything ready but it has been postponed for a week so I'm starting on Feb. 4th.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Jan Term

My Jan Term class is over! We met for the last time last night. On Tuesday, our guest speaker was a Math professor from the college. He was born and grew up in South Korea so he talked about the culture and education system of South Korea. The education system in South Korea seems very stressful. He gave us the schedule of a student's average school day: School from 7:00am-4:30pm, Mandatory (at school) self-study from 6:00pm-9:00pm, and then most students go to a cram school from 10:00pm-1:00am. He stated that South Korea has about a 97% graduation rate from high school (which is insanly high!). However, they also have one of the world's highest suicide rates. I can't even imagine having school that much! He also mentioned that we could learn Korean if we studied for about 4 hours- I highly doubt that.... He also talked about how it is normal for everyone, including children, to stay up at night, around 11pm. So that might explain why students might come to school tired. Overall, it was a very interesting lecture.
So now that I'm done with that class, I'm going to finish preparing for my study! I have to go into an elementary school and implement literature circles in the classroom and measure their improvement. I'm getting really nervous about this! I'm starting my study on January 28th and I made a list yesterday of all the things I still need to do.... it was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be.... Plus I'm just nervous in general because if I do something wrong during the study it's really hard to fix it! Most of the data will be collected on a day to day basis so if I miss a day, that messes everything up... Plus I'm worried that I won't get as much student participation as I want/need. I'm ready for this study to be over with and it will be on January 12th- that's my last day in the classroom. After that, all I need to do is gather and examine all the data that I got during those 10 days (and put that in my thesis) and then discuss and conclude in my thesis as well. I can do that. Plus I have a class next semester every Wednesday night: Reading in the Content Areas. I technically have a second class next semester as well (it's my thesis class) but we're only meeting 4 times, twice in February and twice in April. So I don't think I'm really going to count that as a "class".
So yesterday there was the threat of snow and/or black ice overnight so there was the chance that the college would be closed today. No such luck. It's cold but there wasn't any snow or ice that I saw. Apparently yesterday the tempurature dropped a lot throughout the day. People kept mentioning how cold it was getting to me and it made me realize that I hadn't been outside at all that day. I went to work at 8am and since we had our monthly book club meeting in the library that day, I had my lunch in the library. Then directly after work was class in the library. I was in the library from 8am-7:30pm. Nearly 12 hours. Today I'm eating outside of the library and I get off work at 5 and then go to Mighty Joe's to work at 6 (at least I'm out of the library).
So something that me and Matt have started to do is swimming. In the morning. At 6:30am. Ew. We're going to start going every Tuesday and Thursday (the only days the pool is open that early) and swim for about 45 minutes before work. We did it this week and it wasn't too bad. The early part wasn't much fun but the swimming was good. The 45 minutes go by pretty fast. However, the pool's locker rooms are not so great. The shower has so much pressure that it feels like needles especially when it gets the backs of my hands. It hurts so much! Plus I'm always really hot after swimming and so when I blow dry my hair, I get all sweaty again... but I end up getting to work on time and looking pretty normal. I've started to bring a yogurt cup along with my usual breakfast (granola bar) on the swimming mornings. It's not enough. I'm absolutly starving after I eat both of those things. It feels like a weight on my whole body, I'm so hungry (and tired/grumpy). Apparently swimming burns more calories that I thought. So I'm going to start bringing more food... maybe oatmeal? Something that will fill me up! Because my whole morning is a waste when I feel like that. Even though it's not perfect, I think that the swimming will be a good thing for me and Matt. I've gotten so out of shape! I really need to start exercising again. I had been running daily over the summer but Matt rarely joined me and I stopped once school started back up. I'm really hoping we can keep this up!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year!

          Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been so busy! And I kind of just turned off my brain during Winter Break. Right now I'm finishing up my Jan Term class--for those of you who don't go to LaGrange College, that's the one class that you take in January. It's only a month long and usually relaxing and outside your major. I'm taking the Education of Culturally Diverse Students. This was a required class mainly about learning how to keep in mind that your students lives are very different from yours. It focuses mostly on child poverty. The nice thing though is that this is one of the 'hybrid' courses that the college is trying out. That means that we only meet a few times (4) and the rest of our work is reading the textbooks and posting on the classes blog, usually answering prompts from the teacher. We have had 2 guest speakers too which were really good. One was a professor that used to work at LaGrange College, he talked about the difficulties that hispanic/latino students sometimes face when trying to adjust to living in the United States. The other speaker was a police officer from LaGrange and he talked about some things that his police officers have dealt with and got us to think about how those things affect the children in the area. We have class again tonight with another guest speaker so I'm looking forward to that. The other thing that I finished today was my contextual factors paper! I had to do one of these in my undergraduate and I didn't really know what I was supposed to write about. This time we were given 3 questions to answer throughout the paper which helped guide what I was writing about. We'll see how that turns out.... Now, all I have left to do for this course is write my chapters 3.5 and 3.6 of my thesis! YES. I'm writing a thesis... can't even believe it myself. Apparently chapter 3.5 is very formulaic but I'm still not looking forward to it... I have to talk about Validity, Reliability, Dependability, and Bias... what a mouthful! and no, they don't all mean the same thing.... they're all different. How, you might ask? Not sure exactly.... I'm working on it! I think we're learning about how to write chapter 3.6 today in class.
          So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at the LaGrange College Library as a Technology Graduate Assistant. It's not a hard job but I do have to work 25 hours a week. So I've been doing that since June 2012. But I got some great news recently! I got a job at Mighty Joe's Pizza! I've been wanting to get a second job because I'm trying to save up for Peru and my library job just wasn't cutting it. So I'm now a server and cashier for Mighty Joe's! I work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 6pm-10/10:30. I actually had my first day last Saturday and I really enjoyed it! Except for the sweeping... but I got $11 in tips so YAY! I've never worked in a resturant before so this is a completly new experience for me but I like it so far!
          So more about my Peru saving situation. I am nearly done with all of those silly calendars. I've gotten a little sick of looking at those things. I have 4 people that still need to pick up and pay for their calendars. Other than that I'm done with it! I haven't totaled my money completly yet; I'm trying to wait until I get rid of all of them. Right now though it's looking like I should have around $400 total but I spent about $200 to get all of those calendars from Chick-fil-a so I really made $200. But that's a lot more than I was expecting! Thanks so much to everyone that bought a calendar! I think it was very successful! I'm planning on doing this again next year too so if you want a calendar for next year, buy it from me!

         Just so you guys know, I would have added some pictures to this blog but I'm typing this at the library and we all have new computers and for some reason, they won't let me download pictures onto blogspot. I have to use my coworker's Mac Computer to get pictures on here... which is a hassle... and I can't do it at home because I don't have internet at my house. So it's just going to be a big block of text! Enjoy!