Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Study and Classes

Ok, so class and my study have officially begun! Yesterday was the first day of my study and it went pretty well. We didn't finish everything that I wanted to but I don't think it's a big deal. I know before I began that I would have a lot of stuff to do every day and that I probably wouldn't get to everything. The very first thing that I did yesterday in the class though was upset the connection between the laptop and the promethean board... I toggled the wrong cord apparently. Awesome. It worked out though because I didn't really need the promethean board until later and Mrs. Austin  worked on fixing it while I went on with my lesson. I had been worried that first day that the hadnouts had been too hard because they took a long time finishing them  but today, they got them done quicker and they were much better too! So that's good. Today though, we still didn't get to everything. These first two days are supposed to be model days so I'm not so worried about the stuff we didn't get to but tomrorrow is when we're really starting the literature circles so I really hope to finish everything tomorrow! My first class for this semester was last night and it wasn't so bad. It was mostly talking about the section of the thesis that we did over January. Apparently they weren't that great... Also, today I'm working at Mighty Joes Pizza. Usually I just work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings but now I think I've added Tuesday evenings to the mix. I also think that I am now working Saturday morning instead of at night. I feel like I never have any free moments! Tomorrow night is the first day of my other class which is Reading in the Content Areas but I think it's going to have data information (statistics) as well as child/classroom diversity stuff thrown in too. I hope that I like this class. I love learning about reading so it's looking good. It all depends on how much we talk about statistics... I hate statistics. Last night me and Matt went to Jin Express. We hadn't been there in ages because we're trying not to eat out so that we can save money. It was SO GOOD. I want some more just thinking about it. I'm going to try and steal a picture from Emma's facebook of her Jin Express meal. She was the one who got me to go.

Doesn't that look amazing? She posted that picture last night and I just decided right then and there that we had to go. I'm going to miss this place so much when I leave LaGrange.

Something else that kept me busy was this past weekend! I had a wedding to go to. (Every year, my mom has a Shorter Christmas party. My mom went to Shorter College and so her friends and their spouses and children meet up every year to have this party. The wedding was for the daughter of one of my mom's Shorter friends.) I worked at Mighty Joe's Saturday afternoon (9:30-2:30) and then we left directly after that to go to the wedding in Commerce. The wedding was at 5 and it was a 2h and 23 min drive according to MapQuest. We made it about 5 minutes before the wedding started. It was a nice wedding and reception. There were a lot of people there though! I honestly don't think I know that many people. I would have to invite all of my professors and teachers plus all of my acquaintances to my wedding to fill up all those seats! They had some yummy appetizers that were served and a good dinner. They even had a "late night snack" which was a whole bunch of Chickfila nuggets! They also had some good red wine. I had a good time but I was really tired. Working at Mighty Joe's really wears me out. I hadn't really noticed because I usually get off at 10:30 and just go straight to bed. It was hard to get through the rest of the day after working there. Then on Sunday, since we stayed in Lawrenceville after the wedding, we went out to lunch with my mom because it had been her birthday on Feb. 1st! So we went out to celebrate that since I had stay in LaGrange that night. Her and my dad had gone to Macaroni Grill to celebrate on her actual birthday. We had considered rushing back down to LaGrange to make t to the college's play "A Night with Tennessee Williams" (it was the last show) but both of us were tired of rushing around everywhere so we relaxed and then headed back down to LaGrange around 2 and then Matt watched the Superbowl while I finished getting ready for my study. I keep looking at that Jin picture and I want it again so bad.... I'm so hungry right now!

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