Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jury Duty and Hiking

About a year ago, I got called in for jury duty. I deferred it because I was in college and couldn't miss class... I didn't realize it but I deferred it to the first week of my student teaching... which I couldn't miss either. They didn't call me in which I was thankful for and that was the end of it. However, I just got pulled for jury duty AGAIN. I thought that random meant that I wouldn't have to worry about it for a long time because there is a lot of people living in Georgia... so much for that theory. I (once again) have to defer it because I'm in the middle of my Masters. We'll see if I can get that settled... I think I'll do it in August. I'll be done with my Masters by then so it should work out. (update: got it postponed until May...apparently you can only postpone it for up to 90 days).

Last weekend was a long one because Monday was MLK Day! Saturday and Sunday were very lazy days. Me and Matt were going to go on a hike on Sunday but he HAD to watch the Falcons game (we lost-boo!). So we went hiking on Monday. We didn't get out the door until around 11 (we were aiming for 9-fail.) So we started hiking around 12. I had been pushing to go hiking, not because I particularly enjoy it, but because I want to be able to hike the Incan Trail in Peru. I'm actually a pretty poor hiker. I'm much better at horizontal things. Even my sport of choice, swimming, is horizontal. Since there isn't much around LaGrange for hiking we decided to go to Franklin D. Roosevelt Park in Pine Mountain.

So Sunday night, we had decided that we were going to hike the 4 mile trail, called Dowdell Knob Loop. However, when we got there we some how decided that we were going to do the Longleaf Loop which was 7 miles! For trail descriptions: So we got going. Matt has 2 CamelBaks so we both got one. They're pretty interesting.... I felt a little over prepared but they were nice. I actually ended up drinking all of my water! The hike was nice but I got pretty tired. The best thing for me though is to keep moving. Once I stop, it's hard for me to get going again. We finished the trail at 3pm and went to a bakery in town that has really good French bread. We got two loafs and then Matt went to Kroger to get some ham and cheese. I had stayed in the car while he went into Kroger and I fell asleep in the car. I was exhausted. And sore. We ate nearly all the food and then we went to bed early. Unfortunatly, the next day was Tuesday, so not only did I have work but it was swimming day! So we got up really early to go swim. It took me so long to get out of bed that morning that we only had 20 minutes to swim. That whole day I was so tired. I went straight home when I got off work and took a 2 hour nap. Then went to bed at 9pm. I got a long way to go before I'm even close to being able to hike the Incan Trail! But I knew that, which is way I want to get started now since I have a whole year to prepare! But I'm nervous about hiking again... that was tough!

Just a quick update on my study, I nearly have everything ready but it has been postponed for a week so I'm starting on Feb. 4th.

1 comment:

  1. You may want to go ahead and give your professors and employers the dates that you have jury duty so they know that there is possibility that you will be out that week.
