Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year!

          Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been so busy! And I kind of just turned off my brain during Winter Break. Right now I'm finishing up my Jan Term class--for those of you who don't go to LaGrange College, that's the one class that you take in January. It's only a month long and usually relaxing and outside your major. I'm taking the Education of Culturally Diverse Students. This was a required class mainly about learning how to keep in mind that your students lives are very different from yours. It focuses mostly on child poverty. The nice thing though is that this is one of the 'hybrid' courses that the college is trying out. That means that we only meet a few times (4) and the rest of our work is reading the textbooks and posting on the classes blog, usually answering prompts from the teacher. We have had 2 guest speakers too which were really good. One was a professor that used to work at LaGrange College, he talked about the difficulties that hispanic/latino students sometimes face when trying to adjust to living in the United States. The other speaker was a police officer from LaGrange and he talked about some things that his police officers have dealt with and got us to think about how those things affect the children in the area. We have class again tonight with another guest speaker so I'm looking forward to that. The other thing that I finished today was my contextual factors paper! I had to do one of these in my undergraduate and I didn't really know what I was supposed to write about. This time we were given 3 questions to answer throughout the paper which helped guide what I was writing about. We'll see how that turns out.... Now, all I have left to do for this course is write my chapters 3.5 and 3.6 of my thesis! YES. I'm writing a thesis... can't even believe it myself. Apparently chapter 3.5 is very formulaic but I'm still not looking forward to it... I have to talk about Validity, Reliability, Dependability, and Bias... what a mouthful! and no, they don't all mean the same thing.... they're all different. How, you might ask? Not sure exactly.... I'm working on it! I think we're learning about how to write chapter 3.6 today in class.
          So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at the LaGrange College Library as a Technology Graduate Assistant. It's not a hard job but I do have to work 25 hours a week. So I've been doing that since June 2012. But I got some great news recently! I got a job at Mighty Joe's Pizza! I've been wanting to get a second job because I'm trying to save up for Peru and my library job just wasn't cutting it. So I'm now a server and cashier for Mighty Joe's! I work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 6pm-10/10:30. I actually had my first day last Saturday and I really enjoyed it! Except for the sweeping... but I got $11 in tips so YAY! I've never worked in a resturant before so this is a completly new experience for me but I like it so far!
          So more about my Peru saving situation. I am nearly done with all of those silly calendars. I've gotten a little sick of looking at those things. I have 4 people that still need to pick up and pay for their calendars. Other than that I'm done with it! I haven't totaled my money completly yet; I'm trying to wait until I get rid of all of them. Right now though it's looking like I should have around $400 total but I spent about $200 to get all of those calendars from Chick-fil-a so I really made $200. But that's a lot more than I was expecting! Thanks so much to everyone that bought a calendar! I think it was very successful! I'm planning on doing this again next year too so if you want a calendar for next year, buy it from me!

         Just so you guys know, I would have added some pictures to this blog but I'm typing this at the library and we all have new computers and for some reason, they won't let me download pictures onto blogspot. I have to use my coworker's Mac Computer to get pictures on here... which is a hassle... and I can't do it at home because I don't have internet at my house. So it's just going to be a big block of text! Enjoy!

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