Friday, May 18, 2018

May 18: Parent Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week we started our new unit: Humans have an impact on their environment and other living things. We opened up the unit learning about some animals that are extinct and also watching a video about a diver in the ocean which was full of plastic. We also started to gain some basic information about animals learning about what different animals eat. Next week we'll learn about the food chain.

In Math we're learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We learned all their names and learned to count their sides and angles (2D) and the faces, vertices, and edges (3D).

Today we started our research on an endangered animal of their choice. The students are going to gather information about their animal and then later learn why it's endangered and create some ideas on how we can help them.

We had a great Open House today as well!

Thanks for your support!
Ms Casey

**June 8: International Day-Students can wear international clothing on this day. If you would like to bring in some food, that's be great!

**June 11: Sports Day BangNa- Students should wear their House Team color for this. Since G2 went to the On Nut Sports Day, they will be acting as leaders and helpers during this Sports Day. They will be helping the younger students complete their activities. It will be a great way for them to be caring and responsible.

**June 15: Last Day of School!

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